Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hiji Falls

One of our last activities we did while on the island was to take Rhett to Hiji Falls. 

I had taken the boys earlier in the year while Rhett was deployed, but we needed a fun activity.

I love when my kids dress themselves. I was cracking up at Taylor's long socks and tennis shoes. What a nut.

Quick break to toss the football around.

Hunter always has the craziest facial expressions. What a little turd ball.

Fun fact- Japanese people LOVE their naps and can often be found sleeping in the oddest places. We happened to be hiking to the falls during nap time. lol. I'm surprised they were able to sleep through my loud crowd of kids. 

Overall it was a pretty fun day hiking with the kids. I had packed a fun little picnic that we were able to eat along the trail. It was pretty hot though and the spiders were ridiculous! YUCK.

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