Sunday, October 27, 2013

One long trip...continued-

After we arrived in Hawaii we checked into the base hotel and slept like the dead. I have never been so exhausted in my life. We had to stay in Hawaii for 28 hours before our next flight out. I thought we would just rent a car for the day and head over to our old stomping grounds on the North shore. Due to the children not feeling well we opted to wait out the day in the Space A terminal. We knew this place well from our last Space A trip home.

Ok, so let me start by saying that I was so grateful for the Space A family room. 

We had to check out of  the hotel at 10:00 a.m. and our flight didn't leave until 9:00 p.m. I knew it was going to be a really long day for the kids and I. We hit up the commissary and picked up some yummy healthy snacks so I felt a little more prepared. 

We survived the day by playing outside on the little playground, taking naps in the corner of the room, and watching movies. I wanted to take a picture so you can see what the family room is really like though. There were so many family stranded in Hawaii. I felt bad for all of them. One flight went out in the morning headed to Guam and was up in the air for two hours before turning back and landing in Hawaii. Something was wrong with the plane so we had TONS of people to hang out with. I felt a little guilty knowing we had commercial flights out that evening when so many others had been stuck for days. 

This was only about half the people. There was a ton more outside playing and in the kitchen area.

We did have one minor stress of the day.

 It wouldn't be a normal day without at least one when you have as many kids as I do. Anyway, I call the taxi to come and take us to the other airport and start to gather the kids and notice that Ryker is missing his shoes. I immediately start to panic since he can't get on the plane without them. I look everywhere. Finally Ryker lets me know that a couple of kids had thrown them over the wall. I quickly ran to see if the airman could grab them for me. He went out and looked on the flight line, but they were nowhere to be found. I quickly shuffle my kids out to the taxi. I told him we needed to make a quick pitstop at the bx before our flight took off and thankfully it was still open. Anyway, Ryker got a new pair of shoes and was thrilled. I was thrilled we made the flight. :)

Just getting ready to leave Hawaii. 

It was a redeye flight so the kids slept most of the flight. 

Yay! We made it to Utah. One more flight and we would be home. 

We had time to watch a couple movies before the last flight home. 

It was hilarious. There were two teenage girls that sat behind Ryker and I. Taylor and Hunter could NOT stop staring at them. It cracked me up. The little girls just kept giggling too. My boys were in LOVE!!! They were pretty cute. :) Also, check out Carter. This had me cracking up as well. He was so  tired!!

This lady was so sweet and decided to cradle his head so he could actually move it again.

I was so excited to walk out and see Melanie and David. We made it home!! :)

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