Thursday, August 27, 2009

New names!

Today before school Carter had me laughing so hard. He changed all the kids names. He informed me that the names I picked for all my kids weren't "so cool." He had this little whip in his hand and said Taylor's new name is slow buffalo. Ryker was fast, and Hunter's new name was slime ball. All very good names in my opinion, but my favorite was when he said his new name was "Indian Whooper." I had stayed pretty serious until this name came out then I just burst out laughing. What a character he is!


  1. Hahaha! That's awesome! I love how he went from something as 'cool' as Slow Slimeball! Good job Indian Whooper! I don't 'know how you kept a straight face...I would'v lost it at Slow Buffalo!

  2. What a nut. I remember when mom and dad asked what we wanted to name Jenny before she was born. I still don't understand why they didn't take my 1st grade advice and name her fish.
