Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Taylor (5)

Sweet little Taylor  had a birthday a few days ago and turned 5. I can't believe the difference in attitude and behavior this last year has been. He used to be extremely naughty, but for the most part he is such a good boy now.

For his birthday he really wanted to go to pineapple park so that is exactly what we did!

As a special bonus he got a free ice cream and I let him pick out a toy at the gift shop.  He was in pineapple heaven and I'm sure he ate his weight in samples as we walked through the store.

Then, when we got home he wanted to make a cake together. He got to stir and lick both the beaters. When it was finished we threw as much candy as possible on it. I personally missed the Julie cake, but Taylor LOVED his cake.

When we went to check on the kids right before bed this is what we found in the closet! lol. I'm pretty sure Taylor would have died in the night. That does not look comfortable at all!

Happy Birthday Taylor. I just love you to pieces. You truly are such a blessing in my heart and I'm sure my heart will break when you stop picking me beautiful flowers and bringing them to me. You are so thoughtful. I love you little buddy. Don't grow up too fast! :)


  1. Taylor Taylor - such a handsome kiddo! Such a fun birthday. I love it when they are okay doing something with just the family. I loath friend parties.

  2. I'm so glad Taylor had a fun birthday! Wish we could be there to help celebrate. What a cute boy you have. I can't believe he is already 5!
