Thursday, August 16, 2012

A much needed day OUT!

Lately I have been babysitting quite a bit so the boys and I needed a day OUT of the house. We decided to head to Neo Park to feed the birds and hit up a beach and Pineapple Park on the way home. It was a perfect day of shiny faces, yummy snacks, and lots and lots of giggles together! I LOVE MY FAMILY. 

I have a lot of pictures per request from Rhett so ENJOY your pictures baby!

Yes, it was extremely HOT and HUMID so our faces will be shiny in every picture. :) I can't wait until October. I miss my pants and make up that doesn't melt right off when I walk outside.

 My boys give me the cutest, funniest faces ever. I love their little personalities and how each one of them is so different from another. I do have to admit I have struggled a little bit with Ryker lately. He is just so head strong and we butt heads over everything from what color of underwear to wear to Blueberry Oatmeal instead of Peach. What a little nut, but he is so darn fun to snuggle with at nap time that all is usually forgiven by then! :) I still get the stink face quite a bit, but I know he likes me!

Hunter got freaked out by one of the birds coming over. It was hilarious!!! 

This guy was throwing fish to the birds and he let me throw one. I regretted it a little later in the day when my hands still reeked of fish. I scrubbed and scrubbed with soap, but that was one stinky fish! :) 

Look at all those birds fighting over my fish though! Worth it!!

Who's NOT scared?!?

 Ryker's NOT scared! He loved the big birds and fed them piece after piece of bread. I then decided it would be funny to have him sit on the ground with a piece on his head. He eagerly agreed and it was so funny to watch the bird come and peck it off. He laughed and laughed. I was bummed I missed the picture of the bird grabbing the bread, but you can get the idea from the picture below. What a good sport. He and all the boys LOVE feeding the birds. It is one of our favorite past times.

I love that little Taylor boy and his bigger than big smile. What a fun kid I have. He is such a special buddy. It is bitter sweet that he is starting school this year. I will really miss him.

The boys chased these poor Peacocks around the park. I was there just laughing and waiting for the Peacocks to get revenge They must be used to people though because they just squawked and headed in the opposite direction! Taylor and the boys found these feathers on the ground and used them for swords. Right as I took this picture Taylor got whacked in the face. Hence the expression on his face. 

After leaving Neo Park we headed to the beach. I left the camera put away since I have a BILLION pictures of the kids at the beach, BUT you get the idea. We had a fantastic day together.


  1. I'm glad you and the boys had such a fun day together. Sometimes you just need a fun break!!!
