Thursday, August 23, 2012

Typhoon Season

We live on a little island and with that comes Typhoon Season. We have already lost one trampoline. It can be brutal and quite honestly they make me really nervous. I HATE that Rhett is gone right now. I hate that I have to beg the neighbors to help me flip the trampoline over and help me sand bag everything. I hate waiting for HOURS to check out at the commissary just to get supplies, and I hate when we lose power for hours or days at a time. I also hate that they ALWAYS seem to hit us on a weekend. :( At least give everyone a couple days off work so we can be happy about having a typhoon. lol Anyway, this typhoon makes me really nervous because this is what they are saying about it-

"Okinawa residents are being warned to prepare for a massive storm that forecasters say could be the most powerful to hit the island in 13 years.

Typhoon Bolaven was on track to make a direct hit on Okinawa at mid-afternoon Sunday. The Kadena Air Base 18th Wing Weather Flight forecast peak sustained winds of 138 miles per hour and gusts up to 167 mph.

Please start to pick up and secure any items in your yard, stock your food items and have some bottled water in your household. Now is when you start, not tomorrow or even Saturday. Also, it doesn't hurt to have some cash and also Japanese yen. Be ready NOW! And pass the word and listen to AFN Radio on Wave 89.1 FM for updates." --Griff

I am not all that worried about the smaller one over Taiwan even though we are in it's direct path as well, but I am slightly worried about Typhoon Bolaven because that bad boy is huge. It is so hard not to have my husband home to snuggle up and keep me safe! :( I miss you Rhett

1 comment:

  1. We are still waiting to hear more of this typhoon. Sounds like your yard got hit and the kids couldn't sleep through the noise. I'm just glad you are all safe!
