Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wow... my babies are 4 now!

Hunter and Ryker had a birthday last week. I typed up this adorable post and somehow my blog deleted it. Grr.. I hate it when that happens. Anyway, here is the twins birthday Take-2!

I woke up early in the morning and snuck into their bedroom where they were curled up together.

I sat near their feet and just watched my sweet little angels sleep for a few minutes and marveled at how far we have come in the last four years. I thought about the day I went into the hospital and the day I got to bring my darling babies home. It almost brought me to tears just watching and remembering all the fun I have had with these two. After a few minutes of reminiscing I leaned in close to their heads and started singing "Happy Birthday." They both pulled me in close for a hug and I thought to myself, "This must be what Heaven is like."

After a breakfast of pancakes I asked the little ones what they wanted to do. I threw out a couple options like the pool, zoo, park, and beach. They smiled and both shouted that they wanted to go to the beach and get some cake. 

So off to the beach we went-

That is Taylor's hand you see as he got swallowed by a wave. lol. But you'll see from the picture below he LOVED it.

We played for hours in the sand and waves before heading to the next adventure. We then went to the BX so they could pick out a toy from Grandma. They picked all sorts of fun little things. They got backpacks, cars, and frisbees. Thanks Grandma.

We also went to get the cakes and a couple balloons. The big boys picked out some silly string and thought that it would be a great present to squirt them. Little turkeys. :)

They happened to be playing "Ice Age 4" in the theatre so we headed to that. We got them some popcorn and a big drink to share and they were LOVING that all the attention was on them.

Taylor had a hard day and the theme of the day from Taylor was, "But that's not fair!" It's hard to not be the birthday boy, but Mommy was good to remind him that he had his day and the twins didn't fuss about it. He seemed  to be a little better after that lecture.

Next up- CAKE TIME!!! YAY! They each picked their own little cakes

Mommy forgot to buy candles again. Oops! It was okay though. We had some matches so it worked. I love this picture because I could NOT get Ryker to take his eyes off the cake for a picture. I have about 5 of the same one with Hunter smiling and Ryker just staring at his cake. lol. I guess he was really excited to have his own and he didn't want anyone to snatch it. :)

Happy Birthday Babies. I know it wasn't quite the same without your Daddy here, but I'm glad that you had such a good day. I thank Heavenly Father everyday for giving me the opportunity to have to guys in my life. You two have such a love for each other and life. You keep Mommy on her toes and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Thanks for being my sweet babies and please don't grow up too fast! :)


  1. Sweet! If I had my choice, I would go to the beach every time. Looks like a wonderful day to celebrate the birth of these 2 special boys.

  2. Happy Birthday! The beach is the best! Looks like you all had tons of fun! Those cakes don't look little btw. I bet they were on a sugar high for a week after.
