Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Taylor's Birthday Bash

Alright, now that I finished Carter's birthday I will move right on to Taylor's. :) 

 I asked him what kind of cake he wanted and he wanted to make small heart cakes so that everyone would have the chance to decorate their own. So that is exactly what we did. It was super messy and completely AWESOME! He is seriously such a sweetheart and is always thinking about others. He melts my heart. 

They all turned out very well and were completely LOADED with frosting. lol. 

Earlier that day- I let him pick anywhere on the island he wanted to go to celebrate and just like the year before he chose pineapple park. lol. We decided to make it a day full of adventures and do as many fun things as we could. :) It was a blast. 

They always love riding the pineapple golf cart through the park. It's fun to see them growing. :)

Their favorite part. Eating all the delicious samples and pineapple. Yummy!!

They were all very well behaved and remembered to say please and thank you. It made me one very happy Mommy! :) I sure love my little guys. 

1 comment:

  1. It is fun to go back and see how much they have grown from year to year. That Little Taylor does just melt your heart. What a cutie!
