Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Carter's 1st Zip Lining Adventure-

Yikes, I was just downloading pictures from our recent trip and noticed that I am SO FAR BEHIND. Rhett won't let me post the stories and pictures from the trip until he gets back from his training so that gives me 2 1/2 weeks to catch up before he gets home. 

So here goes-

For Carter's birthday this year he got tickets to Forest Adventure to go zip lining with Mom and Dad. He has been waiting to do this for two years and is finally tall enough to go. He was a lot of fun to have with us. He was so brave and wasn't scared at all. 

When we got there we had to wait about 20 minutes to put on our harnesses because North Korea decided to launch a missile towards the island. Our military was ready to shoot it down if they needed to, but instead it just shot right over us and landed over by Guam or something. Still makes me nervous. 


Just waiting with Daddy to get all hooked up!

Hopping through the net. 

He had such a blast. He has asked several times to go back. It was so fun. 



Rhett heading up the latter to the last zip line!

Getting ready to head over a board bridge. He was a little nervous, but did such a great job. He made us so proud all day long!

We absolutely love when we get to spend one on one time with the kids. It is such fun bonding. I love making memories with the boys and hope that they love it as much. 

For a special bonus we let Carter pick where to eat lunch together after we finished zip lining. He picked Chilis. :) That's my boy!!! 

1 comment:

  1. He has grown up so much!!!! What a fun adventure for a big birthday boy.
