Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ice Skating with Daddy

I took the kids ice skating while Rhett was deployed and it was such a hit that Santa left tickets under the tree to go back again. It was a little more packed over Christmas break, but everyone had a great time showing Daddy their moves.

Holding on to the side of the rink for support. 

We did rent a chair for a little while and had fun pushing each other around the ice.

Family photo- Nice to have the whole group together again!

Love how patient Rhett is with the little ones. He had fun teaching Carter how to turn and skate backwards and had fun holding Taylor's hand. 

I'm not going to lie- The boy has skills. His balance was so much better than mine. 

Watch out Carter-

My sweet  munchkins taking a little break from skating to warm up. Their little fingers got so cold from falling on the ice in their mittens. Taylor did ask me if I could trade him gloves for awhile and they were just soaked through. Poor  monkeys.

Reunited with their hero- They are stuck on him like glue!

This picture makes me smile. He was dropping Taylor off so that he could focus and play with Carter. Taylor wanted a goodbye kiss. :) 


  1. Your boys are so adorable! The birthdays look like so much fun! That zipline course looks like way more fun than the one we went on. I'm so glad Rhett is home.
