Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fun with Melanie

The kids and I got to spend some fun time with Melanie exploring St. George and taking a picnic up to see Grandpa's grave. It is always so much fun spending time with her. She truly is just like a mom to me and I enjoy every minute we get together. It helps that the kids absolutely ADORE her.

The kids thought this was hilarious. 

We totally needed to grab a drink and cool off. It reminded me of my Mom buying us a sarsaparilla when I was a little girl. It's funny how things can trigger memories like that. :)

It was a long drive. We stopped for a picnic lunch and potty break. lol. It was such a peaceful, fun day. I need to do more things like this with the little boys. They loved getting out into nature and just enjoying the fresh air. :)

Snuggles for my babies. We also had a race to one of the trees. I totally won. lol. I decided I will let the boys win when they can do it on their own. j/k. :)

Melanie is such a rule breaker. :) Actually, we saw this sign after we were already done. It cracked me up!

It was nice to see Grandpa's grave. We haven't been up to Panguitch since his funeral. 

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