Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thumb Sucking

Hunter sucks his thumb. A LOT! I haven't really worried about it until just recently. I think it's going to be a bugger to get him off of it. I guess I started worrying when Rhett noticed that his two middle teeth on the bottom have a very slight curve in, supposedly from sucking his thumb. I tried to slap his little hand and take it out several times, but it just hurt his feelings. Then I decided to duct tape it. That didn't work either! I will have to keep trying new things. I have ultrasound pictures of him in the womb sucking his thumb, so it's going to be a tough habit to break. Wish me luck!

The duct tape was hilarious to watch though. He put his thumb in to suck it and a look of pure confusion was on his face! Then he just tried to bite it off!

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