Lately it seems everyone has asked me how I do it... my life that is. I sat down to think about what I really do and so here it is! How I do it? I have no clue, but I'm learning to roll with the punches!
This is my life in a nut shell. We wake up about 6:15 and have cereal and milk. The cereal for the babies is usually poured onto the carpet so they can munch it through out the day or that's what Rhett thinks anyway. ;) Then we play as the twins run around the house. After they pull out all the toys and every piece of tupperware in the kitchen it time to go outside and swing. After a few minutes it's time for nap time for Hunter and Ryker!
I help Carter get his homework done and play with Taylor while the babies nap for and hour. Then after picking up all the tupperware and throwing it back in the cupboard it's time for lunch for everyone.
Right after lunch we play for a few minutes then get everyone ready to walk Carter to school. The babies love the stroller and Taylor loves to walk with Carter. After walking Carter to school it's time for the babies second nap.
I play with Taylor and usually work on colors or letters and then... a quiet time movie which I usually curl up with Taylor and fall asleep. Then we walk and pick up Carter!
When Carter gets home we all go outside and play for at least an hour. The babies love the little pool and just crawling/walking around putting little rocks or grass in their mouths and me fishing it out. Taylor and Carter love the sand box. They have poured TONS of water in it and made it, "the beach." It is so messy, but fun!
At around 4:00 we all get hosed off and head in for a short cartoon while mommy tries to figure out what to make for dinner. She then calls daddy and tells him if he wants something delicious to eat he'll have to pick it up. ;) j/k. or am I? The twins love to be in the kitchen helping mommy make dinner. While I make dinner they pull out all the tupperware I had just recently put away and snack on dried up food that has fallen out of the their high chairs. Gross I know!
After a delicious home made dinner, heated up straight from the freezer, we head out doors to play a few more minutes, then bath and mommy's favorite time of the day... bedtime! The big boys love it too, we have been reading the chapter book, Willy Wonka. It's so fun to talk it through with them.
At 7:30 you would think that my day would end, but really it's just getting started. I have to clean up the kitchen, do the dishes, pick up toys, vacuum the floors, and pick up all the bloody tupperware that the twins have pulled out again! Not to mention start the and fold the laundry! I usually roll into bed at 11:00, sometimes Rhett is there, but it seems lately he has still been at the lab most the time! It sounds like my life totally blows, but I really do love it, and the reason why is because my kids love me. They love to give me hugs and smiles. They are growing up so fast I just want to take full advantage of while they are still little!
I got a label maker from my mom fro my birthday and the kids love it. We have labeled lots of things. We labeled their Halloween buckets, Carter's water bottle, a couple bins in their closet, and lots of other fun little things. Thanks for the label maker mom! It's so fun! The thing that we labeled that was our very favorite though was Hunter and Ryker! We thought it was a pretty great idea even though we can tell them apart we loved having them labeled!
Wow!! Those cute little guys really can walk! or should I say run--maybe powerwalk. They are adorable. I'm so glad you are making use of the label maker. Happy Birthday Bec! Your day sounds just right for this time of your life. Enjoy because they grow right out of you being the center of their world. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeletei love the scream at the end of the walking video. i think i would be screaming to if i had twins that were learning to walk, like in opposite directions; which one do you go after first!? nice that you have a back yard to enjoy. i don't think my kids will know what that is for a while yet, but we'll see. take care!
ReplyDeleteI love the walking video! (so does Jordan, he's saying, "one more time" as I type this) And I love them taking the labels off each other. Way cute family.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mom, Love you!
ReplyDeleteSiobhan, you'll be done with residency in no time at all. Let me know when you find out what you're having.... you are always in my thoughts!
Melissa- I love our blog. You are so good at updating it! I still can't believe how big your boys are now! I'm glad that Jordan and Sam love each other!