It seems like they have changed places! This picture was of Hunter. He has always been a little bit of a drama queen. He wanted to be in my arms 24/7.
He was always whining or crying, but Ryker rarely ever cried. Only when he needed something did he shed any tears. Occasionally he had his off days when he needed me more than others. Thankfully when Ryker was in a needy mood Hunter seemed to have an okay day. I think that Heavenly Father knew I couldn't handle two crying babies at the same time.

Lately I have been observing them and it seems that Ryker is really having a hard time adjusting to all the changes that have happened in his life. We moved to Las Vegas recently and shortly after we got here Rhett had to go to Officer's Training in Alabama for 5 weeks.
I took away the binky right before we moved here and the bottle just recently.
I think that the reason that Hunter has had an easier time adjusting to it is that he sucks his thumb. So that is something I couldn't take away. Trust me I have tried. :)
As of recently Ryker totally whines about everything. ALL the time.
On a side note-
You know all the cute little things that you teach your babies? Like clapping hands, waving bye bye, and shaking your head no. Hunter is very much digging doing all these new fun things.
Ryker refuses to do any of them. I know he can clap his hands because he will go over by the bookshelf and do it by himself, but heaven forbid I ever ask him to do it. I can't help but feel like my baby hates my guts! I know that every child has their own personality and he, I have no doubt, will do these things when he wants too, but at least try to cheer up Ryker! Life is good! If this is pay back for you being such a sweet baby for the first nine months and would love the next nine months to be centered around you... you got it buddy! I love you and am so glad that you are my baby!
Anyone have any thoughts? Maybe I should give him back the bottle or something?!?
Sorry if this post doesn't make any sense. I started writing it really late last night! :)
Oh yeah and a side note- Both babies HATE Taylor with a passion and I totally don't blame them. All he does is sit on them and take their milk away! Naughty little monkey. I guess every once in a while he does get them laughing, but the tears quickly follow! Anyone want a two year old?
Sorry - I can't take another 2 yr old. I've got my hands full with my own. Remember mom telling us about when we moved and Jeremy was crawling into walls because he was so confused. Maybe you should try giving the bottle back. Some kids need it more then others. Brooke needed suckling as a comfort tool way longer then Jace. I took Jace off the bottle at 1 and he was fine but with Brooke I nursed her until she was 14months then gave her a bottle for a few months until she was finally ready to let go. He's probably just cofused. Kids thrive on routine and what they know. That's why they want to read the same books or watch the same movies over and over again. I think maybe too many changes all at once and then you took away his comfort tool to cope. If it was me I would probably give him back the bottle but it's totally up to you. Good luck! That explains your last couple posts though. I always thought that Ryker had been the more positive one but then he was the one crying at the Birthday party and Hunter was the happy one.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry. Moving is so hard on kids. You'll all get through it though. When we moved up here. Jace freaked out that first week. He was so confused that he just kept biting me and telling me he wanted to go home. I felt so bad but they get through it so don't worry too much. Love you tons Bec.
Well ladies, I gave Ryker back the binky and the first day he only took it out of his mouth to eat then it was right back in. He seems more content so I am happy and think that this might be the exact thing that he needs! Thanks for the advice!