Thursday, February 4, 2010

A bad start to the day-

That is unfortunately NOT chocolate! The plus side is that he didn't eat any of it! I HATE that the babies know how to take off their diapers and am honestly considering DUCK tape! These poor cribs have been scrubbed and scrubbed due to the babies taking off their poopy diapers and playing in their poo! I know it's incredibly disgusting, but just thought I'd share that my morning started off rough! I have high hopes that it will get better! If it gets worse... I'm going back to bed!!!


  1. BWAAAA HAAA HAAA HA!!! Brooke did this for 5 months straight. I feel your pain.

  2. Ohhh, I'm sorry! Josh did that once, but I don't remember any of the others doing that. Yuck!!

  3. ahhhhhhhhhh i am so sorry! your day HAD to have gotten better right? there is no way it could have gotten worse!
