Thursday, February 25, 2010

Oh NO... I have a "Trouble Maker" :(

So today when I went to get Carter from school he was not out on the playground with the other kids... in fact there was four little boys missing! I found him in on the time out mat! Not MY kid! The teacher pulled me aside and said that Carter had made some new friends, but not the right kind of friends! I told her I would talk to Carter and make sure that he is good from now on. Here's how our conversation went-

(M) "Carter why did you go to time out today?"
(C) "Because me and three other little boys are Trouble Makers!!!" When I grow up I WANT to be a trouble maker!"
(M) "Carter it's not good to be a trouble maker. Then you miss out on recess and donuts and all other games and treats!"
(C) "Okay, I guess I'll be a ninja spy."
(M) "Good, just make sure you're an excellent boy in class and that you are quiet during rug time."

A conversation with Taylor at the grocery store today-

(M) "What should we get today T bone?"
(T) "I want "hiding hotdogs."

For those of you who don't know what a hiding hotdog is... it's a corn dog! He has found that he absolutely loves them. He thinks it's so funny that the hotdog is hiding!


  1. I had a hiding hotdog yesterday for lunch. I think they're yummy. Jace doesn't like the hiding part. He just peels the cornbread off so he can enjoy the hotdog. Taylor is one funny dude! I'm sorry about Carter. I worry that Jace will be 'the trouble-maker' at school too, because he also LIKES to be naughty. They have these sticker sheets at his preschool that track obedience. If you follow directions then you get a sticker. Jace has the least amount of stickers out of the whole class. He's super smart but would rather choose to do his own thing then have someone direct what he should be doing. What a little stinker.

  2. So cute! I love that he wanted to be a trouble maker! :) I love catching up on you guys. Hope all is well!
