Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Visit to Egypt!

Today we NEEDED to get out of the house! We have been learning about all sorts of things in History so we took a much needed trip to Egypt! It was great. The little boys learned so much from all the murals and even got to build their own pyramids! I have to say they were very inventive with their pyramids. Carter's looked a lot like a mansion pyramid! Way to go guys!

Do you ever just have those days where you have to do something? Today was one of those for me! I had had a really bad day yesterday so I thought we needed something fun to bring us a little closer together! We picked up right after the babies woke up from their nap and headed to the park! We made a quick pit stop to Arby's and got some roast beef sandwiches because everyone knows that when you play hard you get super hungry and thirsty! (Carter) WE then ate and played our little hearts out until mommy got hot! Then we went into the Museum to learn about Egypt! I was very impressed by the detail they put into everything!

Please ignore the faces my kids are pulling in all the pictures! I swear when I tell them to smile they give me the worst looks I've ever seen! I know they do this just to tick me off too, but today I was untouchable... it's amazing what an arby's sandwich can do for the soul! :)

Two highlights from the trip to Egypt!!!

(1) Taylor was too short to see some of the things so Carter lifted him up! (Without even being asked. That's huge!!!)

(2) Taylor was terrified of the mummy in the last picture! He wouldn't even go near it, but asked me really seriously, "Mommy, why dat guy get stuck in tape?" I couldn't help but giggle a little as I tried to explain mummification to my sweet little three year old! Later in the evening when he was being naughty I did have to threaten it though. I pulled out the tape dispenser and told him if he didn't say sorry to Hunter and give him a kiss I was going to have to tape him up like the mummy! He immediately ran right up and did as I asked! I will have to remember to bring a thing of tape with me everywhere I go from now on! :)

Anyway, here's a few pictures from our trip to Egypt! Enjoy!!!

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