Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Daddies M & M Jar!

One thing that my kids learn from about 6 months on is that Rhett loves M&M's. I mean like he is totally addicted to peanut butter M&M's and always has them in the ceramic cookie jar he made in Hawaii! I used to just laugh because the little boys could seriously hear him getting them from the other room. He would reach in and grab a handful and literally thirty seconds later Carter and Taylor would run in and ask for some! That to me just shows that boys have "Selective Hearing" from day one! I ask them to clean their room and they just look through me like I'm not even there!

Anyway, the babies know that daddy has M&M's too. They love when daddy goes into his office and are literally jumping up and down waiting for him to bring them out their treat! Well, today daddy must have left the door to his office open because while I was doing school with Carter I heard Taylor say, "I have the most M&M's."

I cringe as I walk into daddies office and see three happy little monkeys sitting on the floor by the M&M jar! They each had both hands full and about six in their mouths. I ran them up to the tub and came down to assess the damage! I was so bummed to see that they had broke the lid. Also you can see from the bottom picture most of the M&M's were a little soggy from falling out of babies FULL mouths! Sorry Rhett. I should have noticed they were being WAY TOO QUIET!

Sorry about the pictures! They are totally fuzzy! I cleaned off the lens after I got them out of the tub!!!

Ryker looks like a little pirate in this one!

Two little chocolate faces!

The dried up M&M's. I will have to buy Rhett a fresh bag and feed these "Yucky" ones to the kids!

1 comment:

  1. I know my kids have selective hearing . . I think yesterday I asked Jace to put his shoes in the shoe cubby 5 times and totally got ignored so finally I just said "treat" really loudly and he was like what? a treat . .no, but now that I have your attention please go put your shoes in the shoe cubby.
