For those of you who haven't heard me venting about Grace yet.... here you go-
All we hear from Carter is Gracie this and Gracie that. He has like a MAJOR crush on this sweet little girl.
It all started about 2 months ago. They are in the same class at school. He came home one day and stated, "I have a new best friend. Her name is Gracie. We always play basketball at recess together." Pretty harmless- cool, he has a new best friend.
Then, it was EVERYDAY!!!
Gracie is so good at basketball. Gracie has the prettiest hair. Gracie is so good at math. Gracie is the best listener. I gave my band prize to Gracie today. Gracie said I'm her very best friend.
Okay, getting a little OLD!
Then, like any GREAT Mom I sent a note into school with Carter that read- "We would love to have Gracie come over for a play date. My phone number is XXX-XXXX-XXXX."
I was surprised when they called me that night to schedule one. They told me that they have heard a lot about Carter and would be excited to meet him.
So on Saturday we had Gracie come over and play. Her parents came in and met me and visited for a few minutes before they deemed me a good enough parent/supervisor for them to leave her with us. We played down at the seawall. We even let her pull the wagon with the twins in it. BAD IDEA- She is what I like to call, a little clumsy. After running with the wagon and flipping it over on both the babies we finally reached our destination. :)
We then came back and played the wii for a little while. It was funny because when Carter was was making her the mii character she was helping him pick out the right hair, eyes, face shape, coloring. All that fun stuff. When she got to the eyes she said, "Yeah I think that's what my eyes look like" and picked these HUGE round eyes that looked like this 00. I just sort of laughed to myself thinking there may have been a better pick that looked a little like this - - :). Not being prejudice, because she is so cute. We have really enjoyed having her over. She always brings over fun Japanese snacks, not fish and almonds, but yummy tasty chocolate snacks!
It was a really fun day and after a couple hours we too loved Gracie. They continued to be best friends and we even met them at the zoo a couple weeks later. It was a fun day. Gracie's dad even bought all the kid's fish food and snow cones. A treat I never let my kids enjoy because of the massive amounts of children I have. :) Gracie is an only child and she loves that Carter has little brothers.
Well, we moved on base. It was such a SAD day for Carter to be leaving his old school and best friend.
He came down almost in tears and said, "Somethings wrong! I can't stop thinking about Gracie. I think about her all day and all night. I think I'm in love, but I don't know how to tell her." I panicked and quickly reassured Carter that he should NOT tell Grace that he loved her! :) In fact, I was so weirded out by the whole conversation I sent him to talk to his daddy. I thought Rhett may know a little more having grown up a love sick little boy as well. He told Carter that it was normal to have a crush on girls and that even though you think about Gracie all the time that he was a little too young for a girlfriend.
When I told Carter's teacher he would be leaving she said, "I will miss all the sentences the two of them write about each other. They truly are best friends." She calls them little basketball buddies.
Carter and Taylor also fight about who is going to marry Gracie. This was the same conversation that included Carter yelling that he would only marry Taylor if he was the girl?!?
Anyway, everyday I hear about Gracie. She has invited him to an Easter egg hunt next Saturday where I'm sure they will be planning their wedding! :)

A love note that Carter had put up on his wall!

Carter and Gracie at the zoo. It is the year of the rabbit here in Japan.

Love sick Carter pulling his little lady in the wagon.

Carter and Gracie playing down by the seawall.
On Carter's last day of school at Killin he brought in a little chocolate bunny for Gracie. He snuck it on her backpack. She in turn had written him a lovely note that said, "Dear Carter, I will miss seeing you everyday. I will sometimes have a date with you soon. My phone number is XXX-XXXX-XXXX. Love, Grace"
Oh, the joys of a first crush. I'm sure Carter will be pleased that I'm posting all this. :) Maybe he will be able to look back and laugh in a few decades when he has found the girl of his dreams. Or maybe... if Carter gets his wish he will be able to take Gracie home with us when we leave Japan. lol.