Sunday, April 10, 2011

Can you say "Drop Slide?"

We took the kids to Civic Center Park the other day. It was a BLAST!!! They have three separate little park areas. They have a large roller slide, a park, and a drop slide. The kids favorite was definitely the drop slide.

We wrapped little Taylor in wax paper and he flew down the slide. They had so much fun that they decided to try other ways of going down. Taylor went on his belly, back, and backwards. Hunter just went down on his bottom. Ryker, my other little daredevil went down every way you could. They had fun and we had a blast watching them.

Ryker heading down the drop slide. He has different clothes on because he wet himself it was so scary. j/k. We went two different times! :)

Taylor heading down backwards. He was seriously so brave and had such a fun time. We will have to head back to this park. It was fun and super close by. :)

Here is Rhett heading down with both babies. Make sure you turn off the music on the right side if you want to hear what they are saying. It was a great day with the family!

1 comment:

  1. That slide looks awesome! They don't have anything like that around here.
