Monday, April 4, 2011

Botanical Garden-

I have wanted to take Rhett over to the botanical garden for awhile because it is so beautiful there. I am so glad that we took the plunge a couple weeks ago. I heard it it now closed down. :( I don't think they were making enough money with it or something. We went one other time and saw all the Christmas lights there. It was really a fun place to go. So beautiful and relaxing!

Poor Hunter was running to Daddy and tripped and fell down. I felt so bad, but couldn't resist taking this picture of his cute little pouty face. Hunter and Ryker are both very much in love with Rhett and prefer to go to Daddy whenever they get hurt right now. I think it's because he bought them a new trampoline. :) Bribery usually works!

1 comment:

  1. I think Taylor is looking more and more like you. It's so cute.
