Monday, April 25, 2011

Dirty Business-

I feel like it's been awhile since I last blogged. I haven't pulled out the camera as much as usual I guess. We have been doing really good. The little boys LOVE the backyard and play outside all the time. We bought a trampoline so they have had a lot of fun on that, but their very favorite thing to do is to ride down the hill on their butts. Mommy doesn't love it, but has given up fighting with them over it. :)

I did give them frisbees to ride down on to try and save their shorts, but they still prefer right on the dirt. Naughty little sinkers! They love to climb the two trees in the yard and Taylor has turned into quite the little monkey.

We had a BBQ a couple weeks ago with some friends. It was really fun. Rhett set up a huge slip n slide for the kids to ride down and they had a great time jumping on the tramp. The food was great.

We also have been grilling a lot. The weather has been perfect lately. It is so nice to marinate some meat and have Rhett grill it up while I make a few sides to go with it. He has been a great sport about doing it every night! :)

Rhett has been letting the twins have late nights with us lately. His favorite thing to do is pull them in bed with him and snuggle while eating popcorn and watching a movie. They really love it too and ask every night if they get to sleep in our bed. :) They are all growing up so fast! It is really bittersweet.

A few pictures of their favorite past time-


Hunter- I love how his butt is still in the dirt, but his legs are on the frisbee.

Ryker- He rolled his frisbee down first then slid down on his butt to get it.

1 comment:

  1. I feel our pain on that dirt hill Becky!! We had something similar in Texas! haha! Wish we could come BBQ with you guys! Sounds yummy!
