Monday, April 4, 2011

Getting out of the house-

Right before we moved we decided that we would head out of the house. We asked the kids where they wanted to go and they quickly answered, "The zoo."

I have loved our zoo pass. The zoo is pretty little, but just the perfect size for the little boys to walk through the whole thing. We had a great time and Carter even saw Grace there. We have heard SO MUCH about Grace lately. I will post more on this later... :)

It's always such a great time when Daddy gets to go out with us. The little boys have such a fun bond with him.

Here is Rhett tossing Ryker up in the air. He absolutely loves it. Hunter on the other had does NOT!

Hunter loves the little chicks.

Taylor climbing in with the hippos.

Ryker petting the iguana?!?

The hippo eating Mommy.

Carter with the hippos.

Daddy and Hunter with the giraffes.

Mommy showing the babies that snakes aren't scary!


  1. GROSS!! I can't believe you put that thing on your neck. It's freaking me out just looking at the picture. Ahhh

  2. Yikes! Yes--Snakes are very scary!!!
