Sunday, September 2, 2012

Summer Swimming

I have to say that one of our very favorite things to do this Summer was to head to the pool. All the kids loved it and my little Taylor even learned how to swim. He was pretty close to swimming on his own last Summer and just needed a little refresher course. He was an absolute doll and even wanted to learn how to dive like Carter. 

We went through TONS of sunscreen. :) Here is a picture of my little fish. The twins stayed in lifejackets most of the time. It was already stressful to be at the pool with 3 kids that don't swim so I needed to really concentrate and help Taylor. It worked out well because the babies could jump in over and over and swim around all while their heads stayed out of the water.

Carter is such a good little diver. He loves to swim. 

"Hey Daddy, look at Taylor swim all by himself."

Ready, Set, Jump!

My sweet little munchkins. I love them all so much! They are so fun.

Taylor's Dive Attempts-

He is getting it and I'm sure he'll be diving like a pro soon. He also loved to pull himself down the ladder to the bottom of the pool. What a sweetheart!

I told Carter I would give him $5.00 to do a flip off the diving board. He was nervous because he has landed on his back every time he has tried. Here's how he landed and it was so worth the $5.00. It was hilarious to me!


  1. Way to go, Taylor! It was fun to face time you on Justin's phone. I'll try skyping you sometime.

  2. It's so fun to see your kids (no blog since you were stuck indoors for typhoon). I knew they love to swim, but it is so fun that Taylor is learning to dive too. Carter looks amazing--he is growing up so fast. I can't believe it--next year you will probably be teaching the twins to swim!

  3. Good job Tay! You'll love diving too. Looks like you can already do a flip. lol. Awesome landing Carter. I hope you enjoy your five bucks.
