Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cutest lunch date EVER!

Having the big boys in school has given me such a fun opportunity to get to know my little ones better. I have loved just spending time with them and we always love to get out of the house. 

We decided to head to the "Tee House" for lunch. It is the restaurant on the golf course and over looks the flight line. It is one of the favorite places because they get to watch all the airplanes. It also has the most beautiful view of the gold course and Ocean. 

Another bonus is that the food is GREAT!

Nothing makes me happier than when I pay for food and the kids actually eat it. :)

"Wow, Mommy.... look at that one."

 Fun lunch date, but once the tears start it's time for nap time. :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Back to School

Wow, I am really this far behind on the blog. The kids started school and I was so excited... for them. :) Little Tator Tot started kindergarten and what a doll. He is so excited and loves everything except rest time. :) Carter started third grade and is at the age where school sucks! lol That just leaves me at home with the twins and I am having a blast with them.

Here are a couple random pictures. lol. Above is a beautiful sunset taken from my window. :) Below- the twins at the Doctor's office getting checked up. 

We got to drop off Taylor and Hunter was excited to check out his cubby hole. He also had to use the restroom in the room. I was so embarrassed as he yells through the door that he is going poop. Way to go buddy. Break that in! lol

Ryker was more interested in checking out all the fun books the teacher had in the room. I regretted bringing them immediately and next time they will definitely be with a babysitter. :) 

What a cutie! He was so ready to start school and is enjoying every minute of it. I wish Carter loved it too. I feel bad that he hates it so much.

Random picture of naughtiness-
Ryker helping himself to a snack!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Typhoon Bolaven Party

"Okinawa residents are being warned to prepare for a massive storm that forecasters say could be the most powerful to hit the island in 13 years.

Typhoon Bolaven was on track to make a direct hit on Okinawa at mid-afternoon Sunday. The Kadena Air Base 18th Wing Weather Flight forecast peak sustained winds of 138 miles per hour and gusts up to 167 mph.

Please start to pick up and secure any items in your yard, stock your food items and have some bottled water in your household. Now is when you start, not tomorrow or even Saturday. Also, it doesn't hurt to have some cash and also Japanese yen. Be ready NOW! And pass the word and listen to AFN Radio on Wave 89.1 FM for updates." --Griff

This was the update we got from Command. We knew a couple days in advance that this would be the worst typhoon in 13 years so we were able to get prepared! 

I truly believe that this is why we were able to make it through with not much damage. 

We were lucky enough to keep our power the whole time. Not everyone was so lucky!!

We spent the 58 hours of mandatory family time playing board games, watching movies, and just enjoying each other. Don't get me wrong, I started to go CRAZY that last day and wanted to go outside so bad!

Overall though it wasn't too bad. It was noisy and scary for the kids so we all slept together. Other then that is was like any other crazy typhoon we have had.

We had so much fun that we had another one last weekend. Yay! :( Typhoon Sanba was crazy strong. It caused a lot of damage to the trees on base. Here is a peek at what a typhoon looks like. We are on lock down in our houses, but someone got some great footage. :)

I will try to catch up on updates later this week. The internet keeps dropping.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Volleyball Madness!

I absolutely LOVE volleyball and it seems like lately it has kept me extremely busy. We play beach volleyball and indoor. It is so much fun and I have really loved ALL the people. They have almost become family with Rhett gone.

Anyway, I signed up to play in a grass tournament with everyone, but the babysitters kids woke up sick so she ended up canceling. I called up one of the girls that had wanted to play and she took my spot. I was a little bummed, but we went out to support our friends anyway. It was such a beautiful day and perfect to hit up the beach afterwards. :) I love where we live!!!

The teams above are all the open gym players I have come to love. They are so much fun to play volleyball with!

I also did tryouts and made the girls volleyball team. Here are a few of the girls. We were doing scrimmage with one of the club teams here in Japan. Totally won! :) Sorry I'm not in it. I took the picture! :)

We have some really great coaches. Jon Roe and Jon Hoy have helped us out a lot and spent many hours teaching us fundamentals. They are seriously so GREAT! We also have two others that come and help out. Teve and Luis. It helps that they are all such great volleyball players!

It has been so much fun and a complete stress reliever. Right now I'm playing setter and it's great. I can't wait until Rhett gets home so I can do some off island tournaments with the team. :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Summer Swimming

I have to say that one of our very favorite things to do this Summer was to head to the pool. All the kids loved it and my little Taylor even learned how to swim. He was pretty close to swimming on his own last Summer and just needed a little refresher course. He was an absolute doll and even wanted to learn how to dive like Carter. 

We went through TONS of sunscreen. :) Here is a picture of my little fish. The twins stayed in lifejackets most of the time. It was already stressful to be at the pool with 3 kids that don't swim so I needed to really concentrate and help Taylor. It worked out well because the babies could jump in over and over and swim around all while their heads stayed out of the water.

Carter is such a good little diver. He loves to swim. 

"Hey Daddy, look at Taylor swim all by himself."

Ready, Set, Jump!

My sweet little munchkins. I love them all so much! They are so fun.

Taylor's Dive Attempts-

He is getting it and I'm sure he'll be diving like a pro soon. He also loved to pull himself down the ladder to the bottom of the pool. What a sweetheart!

I told Carter I would give him $5.00 to do a flip off the diving board. He was nervous because he has landed on his back every time he has tried. Here's how he landed and it was so worth the $5.00. It was hilarious to me!