Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Back to School

Wow, I am really this far behind on the blog. The kids started school and I was so excited... for them. :) Little Tator Tot started kindergarten and what a doll. He is so excited and loves everything except rest time. :) Carter started third grade and is at the age where school sucks! lol That just leaves me at home with the twins and I am having a blast with them.

Here are a couple random pictures. lol. Above is a beautiful sunset taken from my window. :) Below- the twins at the Doctor's office getting checked up. 

We got to drop off Taylor and Hunter was excited to check out his cubby hole. He also had to use the restroom in the room. I was so embarrassed as he yells through the door that he is going poop. Way to go buddy. Break that in! lol

Ryker was more interested in checking out all the fun books the teacher had in the room. I regretted bringing them immediately and next time they will definitely be with a babysitter. :) 

What a cutie! He was so ready to start school and is enjoying every minute of it. I wish Carter loved it too. I feel bad that he hates it so much.

Random picture of naughtiness-
Ryker helping himself to a snack!


  1. That backpack is almost as big as Taylor! I'm so glad he is loving school. Carter probably likes it more than he lets on. lol.

  2. I love Taylor's cheesy grins! He is adorable. I bet he's the boy the girls chase after for kisses. :) The pictures of the twins with their arms around each other are awesome. Super cute!

  3. I love it!! Brooke looks like that in our pantry to. Lol! Taylor looks like a cute kindergarten kid.
