Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cutest lunch date EVER!

Having the big boys in school has given me such a fun opportunity to get to know my little ones better. I have loved just spending time with them and we always love to get out of the house. 

We decided to head to the "Tee House" for lunch. It is the restaurant on the golf course and over looks the flight line. It is one of the favorite places because they get to watch all the airplanes. It also has the most beautiful view of the gold course and Ocean. 

Another bonus is that the food is GREAT!

Nothing makes me happier than when I pay for food and the kids actually eat it. :)

"Wow, Mommy.... look at that one."

 Fun lunch date, but once the tears start it's time for nap time. :)


  1. You 3 do make an awfully cute lunch group! I'm glad you get to slow down and enjoy the little ones now that the other 2 are in school. Stay happy!
