Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ice Skating

Part of Carter's birthday gift I bought tickets for all of us to go Ice Skating. He had a friend party last year and we had thirteen 8 year olds show up. I decided to keep it low key this year and just do a fun family party.

We took a lot of pictures and had so much fun we actually did it again right after Christmas with Daddy. :) Enjoy the pictures. We had such a good time.

The twins were an absolute crack up. I got skates for everyone so it was funny to watch us all get used to something so different. 

We went through a tour company so we got to ride a bus there. The kids also loved this which I thought was crazy. lol

Anyway, I think the lady thought I was NUTS to bring four little kids to go ice skating when none of us really knew how to do it. I didn't regret it though and have never laughed so hard in my life. I totally dig my kids. I love hanging out with them and I know that they love me back.

It's kind of my calling. I am not the best wife, or cook, or sports player, but I am a pretty darn good Mom. Not to brag, but my kids ROCK and so do I. lol

Unfortunately we do not ROCK at ice skating and I still have bruises on my rear end to prove it. lol. I did pretty good unless I had a twin between my legs. Then we constantly got our skates tangled together and both ended up on the ice. Thankfully, we didn't have any major injuries besides our pride. I can honestly say that I have NEVER laughed so hard in the last year. It was pure comedy with the kids and I wouldn't trade that day for anything in the world!

Carter did AWESOME and may be the only one with any real talent at skating or even keeping balance in general. lol. He did take a couple spills throughout the day, but only because he was doing jumps and spins. 

Good job Buddy!

These little ones SUCKED! Not only did they absolutely suck at skating, but they also made me suck. I did fine until they would trip me, but look how ADORABLE they are. :)

Tator Tot also kicked butt at skating. I was completely shocked to death at how well he did. He was great and his little smile and excitement was contagious. I can never be in a bad mood around this kid. (Well, almost never) He is an absolute light in my life. I am so glad he is in my family!

"Mommy, watch me go by myself." (Ryker)

Love this face!

Thankfully, they had these awesome little toys that you could rent. I rented one car and one chair. It helped me keep balance pushing it and made it extra fun for the babies who weren't so hot at skating!

My awesome little skaters / posers! :)

The whole group!

This is not only how I looked, but also felt most of the time on the ice!

It wore everyone right out and all four little slept most of the bus ride home. Thanks boys for making it a special day and Happy Birthday Carter. I can't believe you are 9 years old already!


  1. This is pretty much the best post of all time. I was cracking up! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I agree ... you area rockstar mom!! This post was hilarious.

  3. Thanks for sharing! You are an awesome Mom! The first and only time I've ice skated I was NOT good at it. You and your bigoger boys look amazing--good job. What a fun birthday!
