Monday, January 14, 2013

Soccer Season

Soccer season was such a workout. Sort of glad it's over!

 Rhett signed them up right before he left so that left me with taking them to practices twice a week and games every Saturday. It was sort of like deja vu with basketball season. I guess I didn't learn my lesson. lol. 

I am thrilled to say that my boys did so much better at soccer than basketball. Carter was a total ROCKSTAR! Taylor was pretty bad, but cute as heck. He sort of just ran around the field holding his shorts that were WAY too big and smiling and waving to Mommy as he passed. What a cutie. His highlight of the season was getting a drink at the games. They had this cool drink thing for the kids to get water from. Definitely his favorite part.
His signature smile and wave while holding his shorts. EVERY GAME! lol

I did snap a few pictures of him touching the ball. They were very few and far between though because really he didn't care about it. He spent most of his time... while not playing with shorts and waving to Mom in the goal area with the goalie talking and/or wrestling. We were a pretty awesome team so I guess we didn't really need a goalie anyway. lol

Not the best soccer player, but definitely the cutest. Well, in my totally unbiased opinion. :) Love you Tator Tot.

Carter was the exact opposite and took soccer very serious. He ran after the ball and was AWESOME at blocking. He took a couple shots to the face, but was super strong and didn't even cry. Carter you're a ROCKSTAR. Keep up the good work!

Carter practicing dribbling it on his knee!

Nice blocked shot.

Coming in for the steal.

Carter did such a great job playing goalie!

Tossing it in bounds.

Killer kick by Carter. 

The awesome soccer trophy and Carter. He really LOVED it and was really good at it. Definitely a sport I see in his future!


  1. Def the cutest. Carter looked pretty awesome out there. Way to go mommy!

  2. Awesome!! Jace loved soccer too.

  3. That's fun that your boy are involved in sports. I remember when you helped coach basketball for Jeremy or Justin's team. Having fun is the most important part--so good job Taylor! Carter you really do rock! Good job!
