Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Random Chaos

Alright, It had been almost a month since my last post. Yikes! I guess I have just been super busy with Rhett home and the holidays in full force. Rhett had 2 weeks off for rest and family time when he got back from his deployment and we enjoyed just spending time together. He went back to work for one day right after Christmas and then had off another week for holiday break. YAY! He went back to work today for his first day. It is kind of bittersweet. I have enjoyed having him with me all the time, but I miss a schedule.

I am going to try to catch up on all the craziness so please bare with me. The first several posts are from when Rhett was still gone, but memories I don't want to forget. This post just has some random pics.

First off, anyone who knows me know how much I love pomegranates. My parents have trees at home so I am used to having as many as I would like throughout the season. I paid $18 for these 4 just to get the craving out of my system. I can't wait until we head back to the states and have good fruit and veggies at a reasonable price. They did go down in price last week and I bought a few more, but most of them were moldy and gross on the inside. Yuck!

Carter found a wishbone in some chicken that I had made. He let it dry out and then we did it together. He got the bigger half and made a wish for a new video game. I bought it for him and put it under his pillow that night. I think sometimes you need to believe in some magic to make life seem more fun. It was only a few dollars for me, but absolutely made his day. :)

I love when the sunlight is coming through the clouds. It makes me smile knowing there is something much bigger out there than merely this life. I was having a hard day that day and I needed the smile.

While Rhett was gone I was having a super crappy day one day and took the kids to Burger King for dinner. It was about 8:30... way past their bedtime. Two of them didn't have shoes on and one was in pj's he had probably been in all day. We went inside to eat so that I wouldn't have to clean up the mess at home.

Somedays it was hard. I wanted to remember this. We got some strange looks and I just wanted to shout, "Don't judge me." Not all days were this bad though. lol

Carter is in scouts. I am NO scout Mom, but we both worked our little butts off to get all the requirements done for Carter to get his Wolf. Woohoo! I really earned that pin he got. :)

Good job on getting your Wolf, Carter. I am proud of you!

Thank you to the wonderful scout leaders for all your help! I could not have done this without Rhett and you. Thank you for thinking about my boys during the Father/Sons campout and adopting Taylor and Carter to go with your family. It truly meant a lot to me. I know they had such a great time.

Rhett, I love you.... you need to help Carter get his Bear. Oh yeah, and don't forget that the pinewood derby is coming up and Carter is expecting to win and has told all his friends that him and his Dad are going to make the faster car ever. Good luck and NO pressure. I'm sure you will do great!

Please excuse the horrible pictures of me. My focus was somewhere else.


  1. And I thought our prices were bad! It was 12 bucks for four at Costco. Super lame! Mom sent me some cuz I'm the favorite. Lol. Just kidding. I'm sorry it's been so hard for you Beck! We love you and your little stinkers.

  2. Psh... you look gorgeous in all of your pictures. So not looking forward to cub scouts for Jace next year. :(

  3. It is fun to see Carter in his cub scout shirt. I am now the Cub master--I get to plan and carry out the pack meetings. I planned a great Magic Trick night for this month and found out I have to be to a meeting in Salt Lake and will miss it. I'm bummed--I even bought a magic wand and a black hat with a false bottom that hides a little white rabbit. Abra Kadabra Alakazam...just feeling a little magical.
