Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tinsel Trot

Okay, so I had this brilliant idea one day to do a 5k with the kids. Hmm, yeah DID NOT think that one through. A 5k consists of 3.1 MILES. This didn't stop me though. I figured I would sign us up and we would just run as far as we wanted then stop running. It was called a fun run for heavens sake. I thought it would be a lot of people with Christmas Cheer running along... That was until we showed up for the Tinsel Trot. 

I decked us out in my idea of Christmas colors and went and signed in. 

As the race got closer in time more and more people had shown up. I'm not talking like a dozen... I'm talking like HUNDREDS. Oh yeah, and not kids. I saw very FEW kids. It was mostly adults in full running gear with their cool gadgets to track their time. 

I'm sure they were looking at my little group like we were indeed insane. I mean.... here I am with 4 little kids all decked out in Red and White with Christmas bells hanging around our necks. We did NOT look like professional runners by any means. I mean look at the twins for crying out loud. They wore their freaking rain boots. :) 

Anyway, I went in and grabbed our t-shirts for the race and threw the kids in the car. We had to get out of there. You might say that I was slightly intimidated to say the least. BUT, a Tinsel Trot was promised and by golly a Tinsel Trot was EXACTLY what we were going to do!

I quickly drove over to the High School track. 

Every good trot begins with some exercises to get those muscles stretched out.

They started with Carter leading them in stretches then quickly moved into push ups and sit ups. I'm not going to lie, it was pretty hard to keep a straight face. Especially when Ryker got down to do his sit ups. He kept looking at me like, "What the crap am I suppose to be doing and how is this helping." It's a good thing Hunter was there to assist in holding his legs in place. lol Too funny!

It was serious business to them though. So I didn't laugh too hard!

On your mark..... 

Get set.... go.

And there they go-

Carter took a quick lead. Followed by Tator Tot.

Carter was the first to round the bend. He kept going and ran 1 mile!

Taylor was the next one in and kept running and did 1 mile! Way to go buddies.

Hunter was the next little cutie to run in. He also kept going and ran 3 laps. Rain boots and all.

Ryker was the last to run in. No surprise there. I love his guts, but anyone that knows Ryker know he's a total freeloader. Even as a baby he always wanted to be held. He is the one who always asks for the piggy back rides. Love him, but the kid is a little lazy. lol He did finish 2 laps though. Good job Ryker.

Carter didn't think I could run so I had to show him I did indeed know how to do it.

Carter showing me he got 1st place-

This is my intimidation of Carter getting 1st place. He must get his facial expressions from his Dad. lol

Taylor with 2nd Place-

Hunter with 3rd Place-

Ryker with 4th place-

The winners with their prize t-shirts.

Taylor even put his on backwards so you get to see both sides. Pretty Awesome Family Tinsel Trot!


  1. That is hilarious! Good Job, but I think it would have been totally fantastic (I'd say entertaining--but it already was that!) to have seen you all running with the professionals. I'm glad you didn't get so intimidated that you just went home with your shirts. You sure make me smile!

  2. Oh my gosh! I had to read this again to Aaron and we both laughed and laughed. I just love it!!!! You know you can walk those fun runs, its not required to run. But then I thought of Ryker and I knew you would probably would have had to carry him across the finish line. Your idea of a tinsel trot just makes me giggle.
