Saturday, February 9, 2013

Pre Christmas Chaos

Oh my gosh, I am so far behind on this thing. I used to do a pretty decent job of updating it, but lately I have really been slacking. I am going to try my best to get caught up. So expect a lot of posts in the next couple days. :)

Alright, where did I leave off?

That's right. Before Christmas. lol. 

We had a lot of fun getting ready for Christmas. The kids helped me deck the house with all the fun decorations and we had a nice time finding Dobby.... our Christmas elf. I didn't do the Advent Calendar this year because Rhett was gone and I thought it might stress me out too much, but we did do a lot of fun Christmas activities together. Here are a few pictures leading up to Christmas day.

I thought these would be a fun way for the kids to count down to Christmas, but according to these calendars Christmas came exactly four days after I gave them to the kids. lol. They snuck several chocolates throughout the day. 

We had lots of fun Christmas parties. Rhett's dental Christmas party was a themed party. Back to the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's. I went with the flower girl look while Rhett wore his Michael Jackson costume. :) He was quite the hit. 

We also had a fun branch party with caroling. 

The kids were even able to see Santa and let him know their wishes. 

We even got to watch Taylor give a Christmas concert. He was definitely the cutest elf and sang so nice. It was cute to actually have a kid who participates. Carter never really did. lol.

Oh, and we can't forget the annual gingerbread houses. The kids did a great job decorating them again this year and Taylor took it extremely serious. 

Carter's house-

Ryker's House-

Hunter's House-

Taylor's House-

These are the cookies that the kids left for Santa this year. They were AMAZING! It must have tricked him into thinking that they were actually good kids too because he came and left some fun gifts for each of them! 

Santa's elves were up all freaking night putting together those stupid tractor big wheels. They had the worst directions. Hopefully when the twins are out playing on them they won't fall apart because I had at least 6 extra pieces when I finished mine. lol. 


  1. What a Merry Christmas! I love the Gingerbread house tradition. You are a fun Momma. Good Job. I'm glad that Taylor had fun with his school Christmas program. He sure is a cutie!

  2. How fun! Taylor reminds me of Justin a little. Merry Christmas!
