Sunday, February 10, 2013

Rhett's "Touchy, Feely" day at the zoo!

Right before Christmas we needed a day out of the house. Sometimes I tend to get a little stir crazy. Anyway, Rhett had a few weeks off when he got home for R & R. It was nice to have him come with us. He was in such a silly mood though and I thought he was going to get us kicked out of the zoo for sure. lol

Rhett saw this awesome Horror House. Nothing screams Christmas like a haunted house. lol. Rhett was super bummed that is was closed when we went. 

Alright folks, prepare yourselves for something crazy...
Rhett did it. He touched the hippo.

Don't let that face fool you. He was actually pretty scared. The whole time he was like, "Holy crap. I am totally petting a hippo. This is so boss." lol. I was laughing like crazy. 

His silly mood continued when we got to the Ostrich's. He kept trying to get it to eat Hunter's boot. He was laughing like crazy when it finally bit it. lol

But the best part was when he leaned over and turned the faucet on the Alligator. You should have seen how fast it leaped into the water. Funniest thing I have ever seen!

 It reminded me of the time that he threw a snowball at the tiger at the Hogle Zoo and got yelled at by some lady. That was actually funny because my Dad was the one who threw the first snowball. She just happened to walk up as Rhett threw one. I think Rhett made the comment, "Hey Lady, I was just trying to give it some sort of stimulation." lol. 

Okay, okay. I have to come clean about something. He didn't actually turn on the water. He wanted to, but he was able to resist. lol. It was definitely a fun day at the zoo. Rhett always seems to make things seem hilarious to me. 


  1. That's awesome. It reminds me of dad.

  2. sounds like a fun day. I remember going to Holgo Zoo and I was feeding the Elephant some popcorn and he reached over the fence with his big long trunk and stole the whole bag of popcorn and ate the entire paper bag! My sister Sue fed a whole loaf of bread to the hippo there. No wonder they have signs up not letting anyone feed the animals anymore.

  3. lol. I LOVE the picture of him petting the hippo.
