Monday, April 1, 2013

Adventure Land

We love just exploring this crazy little island that we live on. We needed a day out so we headed to Adventure Land.

We started out by walking through this awesome greenhouse type place that had a HUGE variety or different fruit plants. Carter had me giggling because he was so shocked that bananas grow on trees. He thought it grew in the ground like a potato.

We also saw a lot of cool fruit we couldn't identify and quite honestly probably wouldn't ever eat. lol

The whole place was so gorgeous though. They had so many plants and beautiful pots. I wish I had a back yard that looked like it. I will have to try to remember this when we eventually buy a home. :)

The kids thought it would be fun to play hide and seek. Love those cute little faces!

They had this really awesome little fairy house. lol. It was complete with a slide on the side and a tire swing. The little boys wished we had one that they could play on. It was sure fun to look in.

The ultimate highlight of the day was feeding the birds though. They were so pretty.

Carter about wigged out when this cute bird flew onto his shoulder. It kept pecking at his ear. I was laughing so hard, but the funniest thing was when this "molting" bird landed on Taylor. Look at his face. He was so grossed out. He just kept saying, "I just want the pretty bird."

I'm not going to lie. When the third bird landed on my head I was a little nervous. I just kept thinking... please don't crap on me. lol. It was really fun though. Carter loved taking pictures and did a pretty good job. The babies got to help me, but were too scared to try it on their own.


  1. Love all the updates. I can't wait to hear where you are going. I need to get busy on my blog. I'm only 2 months behind. Yikes!! Life is busier with 3 ... I don't know how you do it with 4. :)

  2. How fun--you really know how to go on an adventure!
