Sunday, August 18, 2013

Okuma- Spring Break

After Neo Park we made our way up to Okuma for some beach fun together.

I feel like the very second that we got there the kids hit the water. Fabi and I enjoyed some refreshing drinks on the beach while watching them jump off of everything they could. 

Little boys. It never gets old. 

Taylor jumped in and the wind made him freezing. The twins put him in the middle to warm him back up. The water was a little chilly for Fabi and I. We preferred to stay dry on the beach.

I love this picture. My little ones are surely growing up fast. It is bittersweet. It is fun to see them enjoying new things, but I miss the tiny baby deal. They needed me for everything. They are so independent now. 

I loved Japan so much and truly miss the beauty of island life now that we are back in the states.

Nothing better than spending time with one of your best friends. Great conversation and lots of fun. Watching the kids play and have a blast together and just enjoying life!

That night we rewarded our awesomeness with a large steak. Yum. It was so good. Nothing better. The kids had really warn themselves out and fell asleep shortly after dinner.

I woke up early the next morning with the five boys and entertained them while Fabi got a little sleep. We started with mini golf. Watching the twins cracks me up. I think we all could freshen up on our golf skills though. :)

We then rode bikes until she woke up for breakfast. It was such a fun little mini vacation. 

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture with Taylor and the twins! You are such a good mama, I miss you all!
