Sunday, August 18, 2013

Spring Break- Neo Park

Holy crap, I am so far behind on my blog it's making me nuts. 

Ok, so because I have been COMPLETELY lazy and fallen so far behind I am going to try to work hard the next couple days and really crank them out. With that being said, NO JUDGING spelling or grammar mistakes. I am tired and the only time I can work is when the kids are in bed. lol

Ok and GO-

For Spring Break, the kids had a whole week off for fun. Rhett strategically planned to do his training in the states at the same time so he wouldn't have to deal with them. ;)

Fabi decided we needed a trip to Okuma and Neo Park together. I absolutely LOVE spending time with Fabi so it was a no brainer. Vacation here we come!

We started off by hitting the photo booth. We needed some pictures of the two of us together and Japanese photo booths are hilarious. 

I love her so much and totally miss her. I will definitely be heading to Texas while they are there.

After our picture taking fun we headed outside to feed the birds and found out a fun fact about Fabi. She is terrified of birds. lol. She was up on the step, but Carter loved scaring her and took the opportunity to throw the bread as close to her feet as he possibly could. Poor girl. :)

Silly kids goofing around. I actually dig my kids. I can take them almost anywhere and they are pretty well behaved. I truly am a lucky Mom and I love spending time with them. 

It was so sad. The kids very favorite part was petting the dogs. I was totally disappointed as a mother and fear that I may see a dog in my future. All the boys LOVE them.

Not only did they have to stop and play with the dogs, but then I had to pay money so they could walk them. Sad days! :)

At least Andrew chose to walk the Goat.

It was such a HOT day that we needed to grab a few snow cones.

And... take a weird Japanese family photo together. They made me the girl.... just saying. lol I got to wear the beautiful hat while Fabi only got the instrument to play. 

1 comment:

  1. You PAID money to walk a dog?! No way! You can walk ours whenever you want for FREE...haha.
