Thursday, August 1, 2013

Phuket- Monkey Temple and James Bond Island

Our first day at Phuket we decided to head over to James Bond Island and the monkey temple.

It was seriously so much fun. I LOVED the monkeys at the temple. They were so cute. We bought some peanuts for them to eat and had a ball feeding them. Their cute little hands grabbing the peanuts was cracking us up. My favorite thing was when they would reach their little hands into the water bottle and grab them by themselves. 

This cute little monkey jumped right up onto Rhett's leg and climbed up to help himself.

Then, we took one of these little boats out to James Bond Island. It is obviously called that because it was in one of the films. A must for tourists to go see. :) It was so beautiful out in the water cruising between all of the little islands. We had a super yummy lunch along the way.

Rhett even found dessert. It was a crepe with cinnamon and sugar.

Next stop for us was a kayak ride. We went through some cool caves and even got to stop and play at a little island.

My favorite part was that we did ZERO paddling. They had someone in the back doing it for us. It was such a fun time. 

After the kayaking tour and lunch we finally made it to James Bond Island. They had a crazy wall that was starting to lean so we made sure to push it back upright. :)

There it is. There were so many people there taking pictures in front of it. That wasn't quite enough for Rhett though. He really wanted to say that he had "touched" it. 

So that is exactly what he did. He dove into the water while hundreds watched from the shore and he swam over, climbed up, and finally dove back in and swam back. Way to go Rhett. He also started a trend and several other people decided to get in the water as well. :)

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