Thursday, February 12, 2009

The boys pets

I told Carter and Taylor that is they were really good that I would buy them a pet. Well, they really wanted a dog. Ha ha ha Yeah right am I going to buy them a dog. So today I went to Walmart and bought them each a Beta fish. Taylor is so in love with his and hasn't stopped looking at the tiny tank since we brought them home. I asked him what they were going to name them and Taylor got so excited and said, "Bubbles." So Taylor's fish is named bubbles and Carter named his fish "Steam." Okay. Well, they really love them. We'll see how long they live. 


  1. Are you taking predictions?? haha! Every kid needs a least once! I think I killed a few in my day! Cool names, too! Steam? and Bubbles! lol So cute!

  2. fish are a lot of fun and very low maintenance! Jonah's first word was fish! we still have our pet cat from Hawaii and I don't think we're getting any more pets for a long time! Good luck with them!
