Sunday, February 22, 2009

Recent pictures of the little boys!

These are the sweet little boys! I thought this was really cute. This is how they slept the whole night. (Just cuddled up next to each other)

This is them just playing on the floor. Right after I took this picture. Taylor pulled Hunter and Ryker together to make a train. (Or as Taylor would say a Choo Choo.)

I think it is so funny when they roll over onto each other. Ryker had finished his bottle and wanted to grab Hunter's. 

My sweet little Taylor. Carter and Taylor were dressed up in these for hours before we finally got out the door to go swimming!

My sweet little Carter. What a great helper you are becoming. 

1 comment:

  1. Your boys are adorable Becky!! (and Rhett)lol
    I still can't believe you have TWINS!!!
    And it was cute seeing Taylor with was always buzzed when we were around!

    Such a cute family!
