Sunday, February 22, 2009

Update on "Bubbles" & "Steam"

I got up the other morning and noticed that "Bubbles" was floating at the top of the tank. Poor little fish. He was Taylor's and Taylor loved to shake the bowl. I think they might not quite be ready for pets yet. Thanks goodness we only bought them fish and not a puppy! After "Bubbles" died we did what anyone would do. We fried him up and ate him!

The next day. I came out and started making breakfast for Rhett and he asked me, "Do fish sleep?" I said yeah, but then when I looked at the tank I saw poor little "Steam" laying at the bottom of the tank. Fish do not lay down to sleep. 

This is "Bubbles." We did this as a joke to Carter who LOVES fish sticks. He didn't think it was nearly as funny as we did.

"Bubbles" getting flushed down the toilet!

"Steam" getting flushed down the toilet!
Walmart has an excellent return policy so the little boys got to go get two new fish. If they don't last we won't be getting anymore. 

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