Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I feel so bad for Rhett lately. I have been extremely emotional due to the fact that he is at school all the time and my days consist of being neck deep in baby poop and barf.  The babies have had the stomach flu and have been really fussy. Rhett has been super stressed about the WREBs that are coming up so he can actually practice as a dentist when he graduates. I love all the time and dedication he puts into his work for me and the boys, but please... let's just be done!

Today he had to give a guy a root canal this morning and went to lift the seat up and it knocked his computer onto the floor breaking the hard drive. I'm so glad I just put all the pictures onto the mac, but poor Rhett. Just one more stressful thing that needs to be fixed! It's like come on!


  1. I'm sorry you are both having a rough go of it lately. Wish I was there to help.

  2. It's AMAZING what the men in our lives do to make their families happy, safe, and comfortable!! I'm sorry things have been so crazy for Rhett! I can only imagine what it must be like for you too.....with your 4 lil ones!

  3. yay! I was able to leave a comment...FINALLY!
    Your blog hated me for awhile! I swear!

  4. lol. I seriously miss you Paula. I love to read your stories they seriously make me laugh. I guess that's the one break we get from reality right now. Just think in about 4 years I will be loving my life.... I'll get to teach all these little sweet hearts how to do fun stuff.
