Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hunter & Ryker

These are a few updated pictures of the twins. They are growing up so fast. They are still closer than ever. They love to play right by each other. They also love to hold onto each other's hands. This picture was when Hunter reached over and put his arm around Ryker. I thought it was pretty precious.

Look at those bright blue eyes. 

This is the newest toy for the babies. It's a horse bouncer. Hunter absolutely loves it. He knew how it works right away. Ryker, my baby that usually loves the toys, doesn't really like it yet. He doesn't know how to make it move so when I put him in it he just looks betrayed.
I love it because Hunter will jump and jump until he is so worn out that he falls asleep. This was the babies last night that they slept together. They love to be close, but lately they have been sick and waking each other up at night. Ryker got moved to the pack and play until we get to Vegas and have more room for another crib.

This was an outfit that Aunt Stephanie bought the babies. We were heading outside so I thought it would be perfect to keep them warm. They are such cute little things.

Well these are the babies. They are growing up so fast that it makes mommy sad. I guess I just want them to stay little for awhile longer. Hunter is getting really close to crawling. He pulled himself up on his knees for a second. They are both rolling over ALL the time and can actually scoot around just a little bit. We love you Hunter and Ryker!

Here are a few videos of the babies in their new toy and rolling over. The video with Ryker didn't work, but just know that Hunter rolled over in about 5 seconds. Ryker took 1 minute 47 seconds. He got wedged on his side and just cried while he tried to flip himself over. He rolls over really fast now and they love that they can can around a little. The one down side to them rolling over all the time is that they spit up a lot more now. I think because they are laying on full bellies.

1 comment:

  1. They are so big! and blue is definitely their color! what's that about Vegas are you guys moving?? oh and my due date is June 11th!
