We have done a lot of stuff trying to get to know this new town that we are living in. Julie has been on break so she gives us the motivation to get out of the house a little more. We started by taking the little boys to Hoover Dam. They are building this HUGE bridge so that was really cool to see. It's amazing that they can build stuff that big.

Then we went to Lake Mead. The water was a little mirky, but it felt so good. It was warm like bath water. The babies LOVED it. They splashed and splashed... once we actually let them in the water!

Here is the group minus Julie who was taking the picture. Jessica and Justin were here celebrating with us. It was great to see some of the "little guys" although they really aren't too little anymore. My kids loved having them to play with and quickly made them a mii character for the wii.

Here's Julie with the three of my kids that look like they could actually be hers. They all love her so much!

Even mommy got her turn with the babies in the water. Such cute little stinks. They are growing up so fast.

Then we went to Tournament of Kings. It was SO much fun. I totally loved it and so did the big boys. The babies were pretty sleepy so they didn't appreciate it as much as the rest of us.

You will notice that in most of the pictures little Taylor is being held. That's because he is so NAUGHTY!!!

We went down to the arcade and blew through about $20 playing carnival games. What I learned through this experience is that I'm not very good at anything that you have to throw something, but I'm a pretty dang good fisher!

Before they served the food!

After- The food was actually decent. It came with a roasted hen, tomato soup, broccoli, french fries, a roll, and a pastry for dessert. It was good... and tons of fun with the entertainment.

Ryker thought he needed a little bite of Jenny's chicken! I think this was after he had already eaten all her french fries. Poor girl... she chose the wrong partner. ;)

Outside the Excalibur. Thanks family for a great time!