This year for the 4th of July we went over to Nellis Air Force Base and played the day away. They had all sorts of fun activities for the kids. They had a free BBQ, bouncers, snow cones, train, face painting, and all sorts of other fun things for the kids to do. My big boys had a blast.
After we played at the AFB we headed back to the house to put the babies to bed and let off our fireworks here. After we did most of ours we went out on the back patio and watched the big fireworks. It was really cool. We had such a great view and it was neat to see fireworks going off clear across Vegas.
Overall we had a great day. The kids missed daddy and right when we got to the AFB we had explained to them that this was where their daddy was going to be working. They jumped out of the car SO excited. Carter looked up at me with a huge smile and said, "Well, where's daddy." It was really sweet. They all love their daddy so much. He has been at Officer's training in Alabama for the last several weeks and still has 2 1/2 to go, but we have family close by to help me entertain so that has made it a little easier on them.

Here is Carter taking Taylor across the trees to show him a spider. They have become really close friends and Taylor absolutely adores Carter. He has become a little shadow to him. Everything Carter does or says Taylor quickly follows.

Aunt Julie taking the boys over to see the airplanes. They love living close to Julie and Jenny. They wake up every morning and ask if they can go to "Jenny's House."

We paired these to up together because they act the same age. j/k. Jenny. Taylor really loves Jenny and they had a good day together until Taylor spilled his snow cone down Jenny's shirt. lol.

Wild Rapids bouncer. Although they had several bouncers this was their favorite because you got to get all wet.

Family picture minus Rhett. I realize this isn't a very good picture, but we took 12 and this was the one that turned out the best. Making four little kids look at the camera and smile is near impossible! The babies were a little ticked in this one.

Happy 4th of July. The babies thought the flags aunt Julie brought over were delicious!

Future pyromaniac. He was so amazed by the fire part of everything.

Taylor thought I was "magic" whenever I lit off a firework.

The group watching fireworks.
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