Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kindergarten Shots

I took Carter into the doctor because he needed some shots before I could register him for kindergarten. I had him totally pumped up that he only needed 1 so when we got there and the nurse said he needed 4 we were pretty disappointed. Carter sat down and was quite the chatter box while she got them all ready. He started by telling her that he really only wanted 1. She didn't budge. She told him that he needed to get 4, but she would be really fast. He looked right at her and said, "Okay listen, I'll just take the 1 and then 1 more." She got to giggling because he was so serious. He didn't cry during the 1st one, but the 2nd he started crying. By numbers 3 and 4 he was just plain screaming.

After he got done and she put the band aids on he looked at her very seriously and asked, "Can you give my brother Taylor 5?" What a thoughtful thing to say. He is such a character! 


  1. That's hilarious. I'm actually laughing out loud. It just makes me think of Jace. He is contstantly trying to negotiate himself into getting exactly what he wants - from the amount of stories he gets at night to treats or punishments. It's practically like Craig in Mexico. He is also delighted whenever Brooke gets in trouble. That's so funny that he told them to give Taylor 5.

  2. I had to read your post again and laugh. I'm so glad you started a blog so I can read about all your adventures in motherhood. I miss living close to you . . .but this at least helps. Love you Bec. Heather
