While we were in St. George we thought it would be fun to have a birthday party for the twins. We had a lot of family there and it was so fun. We went over to Pirate Island and had a pizza party. Happy Birthday Babies!

This was the babies watching the pirates sing them a little birthday jig.

Hunter dug right into the cake. He loved it.

Ryker was a lot more timid and it took a long time for him to even want to touch it. Finally he got a little frosting.

Then he saw the toy and pulled it right off.

Then he cried, and cried, and cried that he "broke" his cake. He didn't even want to taste it after that. It is weird but other than sharing the same date of birth... their personalities are completely different.

Hunter loving the cake. Ryker crying about the cake!

Sweet little messy face!

The only way he would eat some frosting was off the spoon. Two very messy, happy little babies. Overall a great birthday. Happy Birthday babies. I can't believe it's been a year already.
That's so funny. I thought it was Hunter that was the tempermental one though? Happy Birthday Babies! I wish you knew you cool Aunt a little bit better. Love you all! Heather
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ReplyDeleteThose pictures are PRECIOUS! Your boys are just beautiful. What a blessing to have them! One year down, that must feel good. I need a girls night with you so bad! We knew how to have a good girls night. I love blogs because I just love keeping up with your cute family. Good job surviving the first year of twin boys, YOU deserve a present!:)