Thursday, July 9, 2009

Home in Vegas

Here are a bunch of pictures of the house we are living in. We LOVE it! It has so much more space. The babies love it because they can pretty much crawl all over the house now! The LOVE the stairs, unfortunately the stairs are a little cruel to the babies. The have fallen down several times and when one falls down he rolls and knocks the other baby down the stairs too. Don't worry though! Julie brought over a baby gate and it's working great!

This is the living room. Rhett spends more time in here then I do. Him and Carter love playing the wii together. Carter is actually quite good at the sports and brags that he can beat me every time. He thinks it's funny that it doesn't even matter which game he picks. 
Here is the dining room. I love being able to sit with the family and have a great dinner together. Now if I just learned how to cook! ;)

The downstairs bathroom.

Rhett's dirty office! He has been at COT, officer's training, and hasn't got a chance to get it all finished up yet.

We have very few pictures hanging up, but here is one that I bought for Rhett to put up in his office. It reminded me SO much of him I had to have it!

The garage is a great storage place since it doesn't even come close to fitting the tank. We did put the treadmill out there and it's nice to be able to run without kids bugging you, although I have only used it once so far. When it cools off a little I plan to get my body back into shape! 

I LOVE the pantry. It holds all our food storage and has a FULL size washer and dryer. That alone has saved my hours already!

Here is the kitchen. It is so nice. I really want to learn how to use it. New Goal--- Learn how to cook!

The play room is where I spend most of my time. The big boys love it and evan like to help keep it clean. It helps that we made it easy to clean up by putting little toy organizers. All the toys are down here so I love that the bedrooms are only used for sleeping now so they stay clean as well!

The back yard is also a hit with the kids. If I am ever looking for Taylor I know I can find him outside, butt naked, playing in the dirt and pool!

He also loves the little playhouse now that we washed all the "piders" out of it!

The babies room turned out SO cute. It's a little african safari room. I love that they have their own room because they are on such a great schedule now and don't have big boys waking them up every time they go down for a nap!

The kids fish bathroom!

Carter and Taylor's X-men/monkey room. Taylor's loves the monkeys and will tell you the the two little white one's are the babies and the red one is him because they have the same hair. Carter is the yellow hair one. He loves that they sleep with him. Carter wants them out of his X-men room.

Wolverine Rocks! At least in this bedroom he does!

The master bedroom is huge!

I love the big soaker tub!

The great big patio off the master bedroom. It has the best view. Me and Rhett love to go out on the swing and see the strip and all the city lights! It is so relaxing!

The backyard that isn't covered.

The "dreaded" stairs. I think if you look closely you can see all the babies blood from all the spills they've had! j/k.

Anyway, this is our house for the next year. Rhett and I both love it and our only regret is that we aren't buying it. 


  1. That is a beautiful house! I really like it. Congrats! And I wish for your sake you were buying it to, but enjoy! :)

  2. I love it, love it, love it. How nice to have so much space! It's awesome and you did a good job decorating. I love you Bec and hopefully we'll be able to come and visit you and you're awesome house soon. :) Craig's friend just finished up there for his yr. and he and his family got placed in England for the next 3 yrs w/ the dental program. They were not too happy about it either. I guess they wanted to be in the Western USA. Love you and love your new house!

  3. Congrats! So glad all is going well!
    Miss you!

  4. Your house look sbeautiful! I am so sick of living in a student apartment! I love your play room too that is fantastic! I hope you ar egetting all settled in, we miss you guys!
