Friday, October 2, 2009

Kid Tag (Carter)

I asked Carter a variety of questions and these are his answers!

What does mommy always say?
Carter- Go to bed!

What is something daddy always says?
Carter- Go brush your teeth! (That's funny to me)

How old is mom?
I don't know, but you're old!

How old is dad?
23, I think. Is that right?

How big is the ocean?
1 million, hmmm... I am pretty good!

How are you and me the same?
We both have a hood on some of our clothes!

How are you and dad the same?
We're both boys that love to sing and play games.

Where does money come from?
The world.

Who is your hero?
Michael Jackson.

Why is Michael Jackson your hero?
Because he can sing and dance and throw money really far!

Where do you live?
California by the beach.

What are hot dogs made of?
Just yummy meat.

What do mommy and daddy do when you aren't around?
They just watch movies and have their friends come over to play. When we go to bed they always eat ice cream and have snacks.

How many friends do you have?

This is what Carter (Age 5) thinks of everything! What a cute sweet boy!

1 comment:

  1. That was hilarious! You can find out so much about a person by just asking some questions. I love that the only way you and he are alike is that you both have some shirts with hoods. I tried asking Jace some of the same questions but he mostly was just distracted and said that he didn't know or didn't remember except for the,how are you and mommy alike question. Jace said "you and me are not the same at all" - and that is the truth!
