Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Black Eye

Poor little Carter was outside running after the cousins and ran smack into the side mirror of Chase's car! It knocked the sweet little thing right onto his back. It ended up hitting and bruising his cheek and went right up and gave him a black eye! Poor Carter... it was a tough weekend for quite of few of the group!

Ryan and Chase smeared on their long boards and got skinned up pretty bad and Ryan even broke his collar bone! I hope you guys are feeling a little bit better! Just remember... chicks DIG scars! :)

Carter running into the mirror reminds me of a funny phone call I got about a year ago-
Carter was in kindergarten and I got a call from the school asking if I could come and pick up Carter. I immediately panic figuring he couldn't figure out the belt he had on that day! I ask if he's alright and they inform me that he was playing soccer and ran directly into a tree! I wen to pick him up and he had scrapes clear down his little face. Poor kid. I guess we need to teach him to watch where he's going!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You guys have been busy. I like the big boy beds you picked out! Poor Carter and his black eye. He must be like his uncle Justin. Remember when he ran into the tree while we were playing chase at grandpa Don's in Wahsington? That's what that reminded me of. Carter's not the only one with a black eye. Jace gave Craig one the other night while they were 'play' wrestling. He forgot to explain that knee diving someone in the eye is not okay and learned the hard way. Then he had to go to work the next day and explain to everyone that his 4 yr old beat him up. lol

    Yeah for you that Taylor is potty trained - thanks for posting a picture of his poop . . it added that little something extra. :)

    Love you Becs
