Sunday, April 18, 2010

We are going to-

For those of you who don't know already my husband Rhett joined the Air Force his first year of dental school. They paid for his schooling and now he will be working for them for three years. He is doing a one year residency in Las Vegas at Nellis Air Force Base and we have been waiting to find out where we will be stationed for the next three years.

Rhett's top ten!

(1) Kadena, Japan
(2) Germany
(3) Germany
(4) Tokyo, Japan
(5) England
(6) England
(7) Italy
(8) Alaska
(9) Washington
(10) New Jersey

We just found out last week that Rhett got his top pick and we will be headed to Kadena, Japan. It is on the island of Okinawa and we will be moving in August! We are SUPER excited, but it would be a lie if I told you I wasn't a little nervous! We just submitted the paperwork for everyone's passports and are excited for the future!!! Now we just keep our fingers crossed until we get there... they can change his orders up until the day he leaves. :( Anyway, what a great adventure we have coming. I will try to keep the blog updated better when we are there!

1 comment:

  1. wow! that is crazy! i cant even imagine. that will be such a fun experience. we will have to all get together before you guys leave.
